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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Carroll Eye Care Associates a proud provider of vision care products and services in Carroll.

William McIntosh, O.D.

Dr. William (Bill) McIntosh is a native of Tingley, Iowa located in the southwestern county of Ringgold. He received his undergraduate education from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville, MO.

Dr. McIntosh completed his optometric training at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, not far outside of Portland. He was a member of Beta Sigma Kappa academic honor society in optometry school, and graduated in 1989.

Dr. McIntosh’s professional interests are in general optometry with a focus on all types of eye care services, including contact lens fitting, eye disease and treatment, also co-managing with cataract and refractive surgery.

Dr. McIntosh and his wife Tracy reside in Glidden. He has two adult children, Wesley and Kyle that have left the nest! Dr. McIntosh enjoys family time, fishing, boating, bicycling, and many types of music.

Thomas J. Parrish, O.D.

Dr. Thomas J. Parrish was born and raised in Auburn, Nebraska, located about an hour south of Omaha. He graduated from Auburn High School in 2007. He attended Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln, Nebraska, where he majored in biology and graduated with highest academic distinction in May 2011.

Dr. Parrish attended Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, TN, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2015. While at SCO, he was involved in numerous clubs and activities, including Beta Sigma Kappa academic honor society, optometric private practice club, sports vision club, and intramural sports.

Dr. Parrish enjoys practicing full scope optometry, including comprehensive family care, pediatrics, geriatrics, contact lenses, treatment and management of ocular disease, and co-managing cataract and refractive surgeries.

Dr. Parrish is married to Maggie, a communication instructor at DMACC’s Carroll campus. They have two sons, Eli and JT. He enjoys family time, golfing, hunting, and trips to the lake.